You can accomplish a great deal of beading if you keep a project in your car. Take it in to the doctor's office and work on it while in the waiting room. I take my kids to the dentist all at the same time, so I can be in the waiting room for hours while they are getting their teeth cleaned. I sit and bead in the waiting room. I bead while waiting for my daughter at her violin lesson. You can get a lot done this way.
One warning, be careful with your scissors! I brought my beading in to the dentist's office like normal. My daughter finished getting her teeth cleaned and then went over to the treasure chest to pick out her take home toy. While leaning over to help her, un-be-knownst to me my scissors fell off my board and into the treasure. I was wondering where they went until I received a call. You see, they know me by my beading there....so, when they found the scissors (picked up by a toddler), they knew who to call. How humiliating! I now keep my scissors in my purse instead of on my board.
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